
Rating: 4.3 Downloads: 50,000,000+
Category: Photography Offer by: SNOW Corporation

B612 is a popular mobile application designed specifically for taking and enhancing selfies. Developed by SNOW, the app offers a wide range of features and effects that allow users to capture stunning self-portraits and add creative touches to their photos. With its user-friendly interface and powerful editing tools, B612 has gained a dedicated following among selfie enthusiasts. Let’s explore the key features and benefits of the B612 app in more detail.

Features & Benefits

  1. Real-Time Filters and Effects:B612 offers a vast collection of real-time filters and effects that can be applied while taking selfies. From natural and subtle enhancements to vibrant and artistic filters, the app provides a variety of options to suit different moods and styles. Users can preview and select filters before taking their selfies, ensuring they capture the perfect shot with the desired effect.
  2. Beauty Tools and Retouching Options:B612 includes a range of beauty tools and retouching options to enhance facial features and achieve a flawless look. These tools allow users to smoothen their skin, remove blemishes, adjust facial contours, and even apply virtual makeup effects. With these features, users can achieve professional-level retouching without the need for additional editing software.
  3. AR Stickers and Filters:B612 incorporates augmented reality (AR) technology to provide users with a fun and interactive experience. The app offers a wide selection of AR stickers and filters that can be applied to selfies, transforming them into playful and imaginative creations. Users can choose from various themes, such as animals, fantasy characters, and funny animations, adding a touch of personal style to their photos.
  4. Collage and Photo Editing Tools:In addition to taking selfies, B612 allows users to create collages and edit their existing photos. The app offers a range of collage templates and layouts, enabling users to combine multiple photos into a single, visually appealing composition. Furthermore, B612 provides photo editing tools for adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, and other aspects of the photos, giving users greater control over their final results.
  5. Social Sharing and Community:B612 provides a platform for users to share their selfies and connect with other photography enthusiasts. The app allows users to share their photos directly to social media platforms or within the B612 community itself. Users can also explore and discover selfies shared by others, offering inspiration and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.


  • Intuitive User Interface: B612 boasts a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. The app’s intuitive design ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience from capturing to editing and sharing your selfies.
  • Real-Time Beauty Effects: The real-time beauty effects in B612 provide instant enhancements to your selfies, ensuring you always look your best. The app intelligently detects your facial features and applies subtle adjustments, saving you time and effort in post-editing.
  • Vast Filter Collection: With a wide selection of filters, B612 offers endless possibilities for transforming the mood and style of your selfies. From natural enhancements to artistic effects, the app provides a filter for every occasion and personal preference.
  • AR Stickers and Effects: B612’s AR stickers and effects add a touch of fun and creativity to your selfies. These features allow you to express your personality, engage with your audience, and create unique and memorable photos.
  • Collage and Video Modes: B612’s collage and video modes expand your selfie capabilities beyond single photos. The collage feature lets you tell visual stories by combining multiple images, while the video mode allows you to capture dynamic moments with filters and effects.


  • Limited Manual Editing Tools: While B612 offers a range of filters and beauty effects, the app has limited manual editing tools. Users looking for advanced editing options such as adjusting exposure, contrast, or color balance may find the app’s offerings somewhat limited.
  • In-App Ads: B612 displays occasional ads within the app, which can be distracting for some users. While the ads can be dismissed or minimized, they may interrupt the seamless editing and browsing experience.
  • Performance on Older Devices: B612’s performance may vary on older devices with limited processing power or memory. Some users may experience slower response times or occasional crashes, particularly when using resource-intensive features like AR stickers or video mode.
  • Limited Social Media Integration: Although B612 allows easy sharing to popular social media platforms, the app’s integration with lesser-known or niche platforms may be limited. Users who prefer to share their selfies on specific platforms may find the app’s sharing capabilities somewhat restrictive.
  • Storage Space Usage: B612’s extensive collection of filters, effects, and stickers requires a significant amount of storage space on your device. Users with devices with limited storage capacity may need to manage their B612 data or consider freeing up storage to accommodate the app.

Apps Like B612

Retrica:?Retrica offers a variety of real-time filters and effects, along with collage and photo editing features, making it a popular choice among selfie enthusiasts.

YouCam Perfect:?This app offers a wide range of real-time filters, beauty tools, and photo editing options, allowing users to capture and enhance their selfies with precision.

Snapseed:?Developed by Google, Snapseed provides powerful photo editing tools and filters for both selfies and general photography needs.


B612 App Download


B612 is a feature-rich app that caters specifically to selfie enthusiasts. With its extensive collection of real-time filters, beauty tools, AR stickers, and photo editing capabilities, the app offers a comprehensive set of features to capture stunning self-portraits and enhance them with creative flair. While its focus on selfies may limit its appeal to users seeking broader photography capabilities, B612 excels in providing a user-friendly interface and a vibrant community that fosters inspiration and connection among selfie enthusiasts.

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