
Rating: 4.3 Downloads: 10,000,000+
Category: Health & Fitness Offer by: Clue Period Tracker by BioWink

Clue is a revolutionary app designed to help individuals track and understand their menstrual cycle. Developed by BioWink GmbH, Clue provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that make it easier than ever to monitor your menstrual health. With its intuitive design and accurate predictions, Clue empowers users to take control of their reproductive health and gain valuable insights into their bodies.

Features & Benefits

  1. Cycle Tracking: Clue allows users to track their menstrual cycle by logging important data such as period start and end dates, flow intensity, and symptoms. The app uses this information to provide accurate predictions for future cycles, helping individuals plan their lives accordingly.
  2. Intuitive Interface: Clue’s interface is clean, modern, and easy to navigate. The app’s design makes it simple to input data and view your cycle history at a glance. Whether you’re a seasoned tracker or new to menstrual cycle monitoring, Clue’s interface ensures a seamless user experience.
  3. Personalized Insights: By analyzing the data you input, Clue generates personalized insights and reports about your cycle. The app can identify patterns, track changes in symptoms and moods, and provide information about fertility windows. These insights can be invaluable for understanding your body and making informed decisions about your reproductive health.
  4. Reminders and Notifications: Clue helps you stay on track with its reminder and notification features. You can set alerts for upcoming periods, ovulation, or when it’s time to take contraceptive pills. These reminders ensure that you never miss an important event or forget to log essential information.
  5. Data Security and Privacy: Clue takes the privacy and security of user data seriously. The app employs robust encryption and anonymization techniques to protect personal information. It also gives users complete control over their data, allowing them to choose what information to share and with whom.


  • Accurate and Reliable: Clue is known for its accuracy in predicting menstrual cycles and providing reliable information. Users can trust the app’s data-driven insights and rely on its predictions for planning important events or managing their reproductive health effectively.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app’s intuitive and visually appealing interface makes it easy to navigate and record data. The simple design ensures that users can quickly log information and access their cycle data without any unnecessary complexity.
  • Comprehensive Tracking Options: Clue offers an extensive range of tracking options, allowing users to record a wide variety of symptoms, moods, and lifestyle factors. This comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of menstrual health and enables users to identify patterns and make informed decisions.
  • Privacy and Data Security: Clue prioritizes user privacy and data security. The app allows users to choose what information they share and offers options to use the app anonymously. Clue’s commitment to data protection ensures that users can track their menstrual health with peace of mind.
  • Continuous Development and Updates: The Clue app is continuously evolving, with regular updates and new features introduced to enhance the user experience. The development team actively listens to user feedback and incorporates user suggestions, ensuring that the app remains relevant and meets the needs of its growing user base.


  • Limited Features in Free Version: While Clue offers a free version of the app, some advanced features and functionalities are only available in the paid version. Users who desire access to the full range of features may need to upgrade to the premium subscription, which can be a drawback for those on a tight budget.
  • Requires Consistent Data Input: To benefit fully from Clue’s insights and predictions, users need to consistently input data about their menstrual cycles, symptoms, and lifestyle factors. While this habit can be beneficial for tracking purposes, some users may find it cumbersome or forget to log their information regularly.
  • Less Suitable for Irregular Cycles: While Clue handles irregular cycles to some extent, its predictions may be less accurate for individuals with highly irregular menstrual patterns. Users with irregular cycles may need to rely more on personal observations and additional medical guidance to supplement the app’s predictions.
  • Limited Integration with Other Apps: Clue’s integration capabilities with other health and fitness apps are somewhat limited. Users who prefer to consolidate their health data from multiple sources may find it challenging to synchronize their Clue data with other apps or devices.
  • Lack of Customization Options: While Clue offers a range of tracking options, some users may desire more customization features to tailor the app to their specific needs. Additional customization options for symptom tracking or data visualization could further enhance the user experience.

Apps Like Clue

Ovia: Ovia is a family offertility and period tracking apps that provide personalized cycle predictions, health insights, and fertility tracking features. It also offers pregnancy tracking and parenting tools.

Flo: Flo is a comprehensive period tracker that offers cycle predictions, symptom tracking, and personalized health insights. It features an intuitive interface and a supportive community.

Glow: Glow is a fertility and period tracker that provides personalized insights, cycle predictions, and health reminders. It also offers features for those trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatments.


Clue App Download


Clue is a user-friendly and powerful app that revolutionizes menstrual cycle tracking. With its intuitive interface, accurate predictions, personalized insights, and privacy features, Clue empowers individuals to take control of their reproductive health. Whether you’re trying to conceive, manage your period, or understand your body better, Clue is a valuable tool that provides valuable information and support.

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