6 years ago

By the way, the bastard behind this site, Maciej Wilhelm, was already a millionaire before this scam. He also bought up old buildings cheap in the Chicago area, then "gave" them to family members, who sold at a high profit, avoiding taxes for them and good old Maciej, who I'm sure got most or all the money. And then proceeded to launch for10cents to make another fortune dishonestly. He's now setting up something in the San Fransisco Bay area, I believe. How is it Illinois never prosecuted this guy? He's not an American, he has businesses in Poland too, where he's from.


7 years ago

Won over $10,000.00 of merchandise from February 2012 thru June of 2012. Have received about $500.00 & all I get now is we are working with our investor to straighten things out. Bull $#*!!!!! Send them e-mails & leave phone messages. Don't even get a response anymore. Have reported them to authorities who don't really seem to care. Typical Chicagoans. If I lived there these people would be dealt with swiftly.


8 years ago

Hard to win items – took months and a lot of calls to get my win. Next win still hasn't come even after the legal action its been 2 years….


8 years ago

They take money in every day. they never ship anything out. This is pure robery. They promise that they will send your products and just keep stringing you along. All the time, they are getting FREE money coming every day and never ship anything back. Illinois needs to lock these people up. This is online burglary.


8 years ago

I won several items over a year ago. Still have not received them. They have been contacted repeatedly (at least once a month) All I get are lame excuses and to wait they will solve their "Problems". There isn't a problem for them – they have no intention of sending anything. They take your money and you are left with – this is an "entertainment" site.. Yeah, THEIR entertainment at how much money they can make off of fools. Obviously, I am one. DO NOT PLAY AT THIS SITE !!!!! !!!!!


8 years ago

Won auction for WII and game bundle on 6/30/11. Never received item. Contacted them many times and was told "within 2 weeks" I would receive the item. Now it is 4/2/12 and still nothing. A total unreputable, fraudalent site. I have reported them to the BBB of IL, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Protection Bureau. Stay away from this site!! Major ripoff!!!


10 years ago

I'm assuming that a reader of my comments has a basic understanding of how a penny auction works, so I'll skip the basic downfalls of such a site in general. I started to use this site early after it was started. At that time, I had a great deal of success with winning, I think because there were fewer users, however, as the number of users has grown, I have stopped using the site. At first (and in total) I spent about $2,000 and received about $15,000 worth of items. My only complaint at that time was that it took quite a while to receive "won" items. Every item "won" was received and was exactly as promised. At this time, however, I would not use or recommend the site because (without a real scientific analysis on my part) I don't feel one can "win" in terms of coming out ahead in financial terms. Bots or not – I don't know, but that's fodder for a whole other discussion . . .


10 years ago

There are numerous scenarios of fraud and trickery in this industry. This site is only 15 cents to a penny of price of an item on auction. Some are much more expensive. Another way to look at this is 15 to 1 so an item price is up to $10.00 that means 150 dollars were spent on this auction so far. Yes the $150.00 was divided up to several bidders. Do you know if these are legit bidders? No. are the bidders in a ring , employees, You just have to take the word of the site owners. If the bidders were verified to be real and the site was over looked than maybe it would be less evil. However , it is still gambling. You (bidder) are risking capital for a gain in value. I admit I was amused and enjoyed the site at first because I thought that a strategy would be applicable. I thought to myself really? No there is no way to win accept for tricks and dumb luck. I recommended true auctions like eBid or eBay. were the winner pays and the loser lose the buying opportunity and keeps their Money.


10 years ago

Auction sites like these needs to be shut down asap and are a virus spreading throughout the internet

Penny auctions are more like lotteries and slot machines than an auction. You won't really win anythere here more than you would if you went to a casino. read about them from time magazine,9171,1997462,00.html

and even a blog here on sitejabber


10 years ago

autobidding = "A Battle of the Bots" LOL really is a "Battle of the BOTS!! 🙂 I love watching these bots battle for
the top!! Which BOT will be the BIG winner today i wonder?

Will it be robot-

crzybiker, jj3564, charlesdever, dhiatt5, imshay930, nobid, darkmenance, dabandit, farmerkuo, eeahd, scottneon, oldtownmaps, justforme, success, loozak, sg2beauty, megchuck, ddrwrght, tam18651, alhaupt, pixie, jamrlm, buffett0307, savior619, verablanc, farmerkuo, init2winit, letmewinone? iwantit, winnerone, gigowatt, goforgold, gotit, charmed1, iwantthattoo, jeffreed, nyjules, biddingover, letmewinone, stone77, gofigure1, jake40, milton05, bobueeyes, iwontstopit ??

or will it be one of the 1000's of other bots that sneak in for first place?!! They have more bots than people!! GO BOT GO!!! STAY TUNED~! LOL


Go to the website, and watch any of the scam auctions in progress!! GO BOT GO

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