2 years ago
There are other sites out there which basically says the same. I experiment on and in Self cause who better know you than yourself right? Right. A doctor told me once around 2003 actually when i was stationed in VA that he knew no more than i could tell him as it is all "practice medicine" backed by malpractice insurance of course. Right then and there sitting on the chair with a bright light beaming radiantly i knew i had to take care of my Self more. See the more aware or conscious you become of Self, the more you start to put pieces of your puzzle together. Everytime i "break-fast" in the morning around the "intestines time" cause that is the real time ongoing in the physical plane related to me as being critical. The other times be Stock Market Exchanges… what time is it you see what i am saying? Society in general runs off one time schedule: wakeup eat work eat work eat sleep to include your hygiene periods too. So the average never thinks about their "body clock" and why they are moody and why they could be a certain type of thought pattern. You have to be past an average of mastering your body to overstand what i am typing in this review as a relation to this website and traditional medicine to the indigenous of me. If you are looking to master your body then by all means the body clock is definitely a start too. I use to have a body clock poster for my living room wall back in 2012 and everybody who came in use to always ask "you be into that stuff on the lowlow" and tell them all with a smile "yes i am a certified nerd and conscious Soul on the lowlow". Becoming the go-to-guy for my family while on my journey is not an easy task but they are starting to see i stay looking 18-25 every year. And it all starts from the inside which shows on the outside to include the "genetics" gives me a superior upperhand when it comes to knowledge and wisdom. I love my genes and my genes love me especially when i obey my time(s) traditionally. My positive thoughts exactly. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.