
Rating: 4.3 Downloads: 50,000+
Category: Health & Fitness Offer by: Relive B.V.

Relive is an innovative app designed to bring your outdoor adventures to life. By combining GPS tracking, photos, and elevation data, Relive allows you to create stunning 3D videos of your hikes, runs, and bike rides. With Relive, you can relive your outdoor experiences and share them with friends and family, turning your activities into memorable stories.

Features & Benefits

  1. GPS Tracking and Data Visualization: Relive utilizes GPS tracking to record your outdoor activities, capturing key data such as distance, speed, and elevation. The app then transforms this data into interactive maps and visualizations, providing a comprehensive overview of your adventure.
  2. 3D Video Creation: One of the standout features of Relive is its ability to generate captivating 3D videos of your activities. The app combines your GPS data, photos, and videos to create a dynamic video that showcases the route, highlights key moments, and adds an immersive experience to your memories.
  3. Photo Integration: Relive seamlessly integrates with your photo library, allowing you to add pictures and videos to your activity recordings. You can select the most memorable moments from your adventure and incorporate them into your Relive video, enhancing the storytelling aspect and adding a personal touch.
  4. Social Sharing: Relive makes it easy to share your outdoor experiences with others. You can instantly share your videos on social media platforms or send them directly to friends and family. The app also integrates with popular fitness tracking apps, enabling you to automatically create Relive videos from your recorded activities.
  5. Personal Activity Log: Relive provides a personal activity log that tracks your past adventures and allows you to revisit and relive them at any time. You can browse through your activity history, watch your videos, and reminisce about your favorite moments.


  • Engaging 3D Videos: Relive’s ability to transform activity data into visually stunning 3D videos sets it apart from other apps. The videos provide a unique perspective of the user’s journey, capturing the beauty of the surroundings and creating a memorable viewing experience.
  • Seamless Integration with Fitness Trackers: Relive’s integration with popular fitness tracking apps simplifies the process of importing activity data. Users can effortlessly sync their activities recorded with devices like Garmin or apps like Strava, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
  • Social Media Sharing: Relive’s social sharing features make it easy to showcase outdoor adventures to a wider audience. The ability to share videos directly to popular social media platforms increases visibility and allows users to receive recognition and feedback from their peers.
  • Motivating Virtual Challenges: The virtual challenges offered by Relive add an extra layer of motivation and excitement to outdoor activities. These challenges encourage users to set goals, push their limits, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.
  • Digital Memory Preservation: Relive acts as a digital journal, capturing and preserving memories of outdoor adventures. The app’s timeline feature allows users to revisit their past activities, relive the moments, and appreciate their progress over time.


  • Limited Video Editing Options: While Relive offers some customization options for videos, such as adding photos and music, the editing capabilities are relatively basic. Users looking for more advanced video editing features may find the options provided by Relive to be limited.
  • Dependency on GPS Signal: Relive heavily relies on GPS signals for accurate route tracking and video creation. In areas with poor GPS reception, such as dense forests or deep valleys, the app’s functionality may be affected, leading to less precise data and potentially impacting the quality of the generated videos.
  • Privacy Concerns: Relive’s social sharing features may raise privacy concerns for some users. Sharing detailed activity data and routes publicly on social media platforms could potentially compromise personal privacy or reveal sensitive information about the user’s location and habits.
  • Limited Compatibility: Relive’s compatibility is primarily focused on fitness tracking apps and devices. Users who prefer to track their activities using alternative apps or devices may find it challenging to integrate their data with Relive.
  • Premium Features: While Relive offers a free version, some advanced features, such as high-resolution video exports and access to all virtual challenges, are only available through a paid subscription. Users who desire access to the full range of features may need to upgrade to a premium plan.

Apps Like Relive

Komoot: Komoot is a comprehensive outdoor navigation app that provides route planning, turn-by-turn navigation, and offline maps for hiking, biking, and running adventures.

Strava: Strava is a popular fitness tracking app that allows users to record activities, track performance, and share their adventures with a vibrant community of athletes.

MapMyRun: MapMyRun is a running app that tracks your runs, provides route mapping, andtracks key metrics such as distance, pace, and elevation. It also offers social sharing features.


Relive App Download


Relive is an exceptional app that elevates your outdoor adventures by transforming them into immersive 3D videos. With its GPS tracking, photo integration, and social sharing capabilities, Relive allows you to relive and share your favorite moments with friends and family. While the app has its limitations and requires a subscription for full functionality, its ability to capture and preserve the essence of your outdoor activities makes it a valuable tool for any adventurer.

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