Faire Website

1 year ago

This company literally sells "hot air"…..they claim that websites checked and reviewed by them are safe and in accordance with European Union laws giving both paying customers the impression that they are checking their websites on a regular basis for SPAM, script errors, internal links problems as well as legal conmformity and website visitors that the website is safe, legal and the owner a trustworthy entity. How do they want to find out about his??? As a matter of fact, they are basically luring people into subscriptions while they are doing absolutely nothing over time, "money for nothing". A by them "certified" website that we know lacked SSL encryption for several months and they did neither detect it nor contact the client. So in our opinion they simulate a false safety both for the paying client and for the website visitor who assumes that a certified "fair web-site" ist something trustworthy. I assume a closer examination of their business model would disclose many more critical issues that are of legal concern. I recommend to everyone to not waste money for home made, non-governmental or non-professional society seals, stamps and other nonsense that anybody can just develop and sell. Stay away from such totally unnecessary stuff that would not stand any legal objectification!

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