
11 months ago

I recommend anyone who gos here or is looking for a place to avoid Fast Pace Urgent Care in Ashland City Tn and find another place like I did. After what they did to my family they should be out of business. Unacceptable malpractice. Kristy Deal that works there falsified my husbands disability records and made him lose it. It took him months for them to investigate and get it back. She literally walked in the patent room for 5 seconds and walked out never examined my husband as required to record injuries and limitations. She just put whatever in the forms and put that there was nothing wrong with him and got his disability cut off. Beyond rude and incompetent. When she was confronted she was rude and blew him off. Took no responsibility and refused to help us and correct her mistake. Sickening how she treated him…bad enough to treat your patents like this but a Army Veteran! upmost disrespect and cruel behavior and should be out of a job for what she did and how she dealt with it instead she still works there and because of HER mistake she cut off my prescriptions that I need for no reason. She is not the only one there that is rude either. The man who takes your weight was also very rude and childish to us. The woman at the fron desk was incompetent and couldnt get her app days right or fax forms she was suppose to. This place is a joke. So sickening how they do business. How they have any customers I do not know. They have already been out of business before. They will not last. Worse than Meharry!

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