Fat Lama

1 year ago

This is the absolutely worst site to rent anything on! Fatllama takes money out of your account first before the owner of the product can actually respond on if they even want to lend the product out to you. Then to make things worst it takes up to 10 days for your money to reflect back on to your account? Totally ridiculous! If your working on a project and your tight on time & money don鈥檛 waste any of it here you will definitely be disappointed & add more pressure on to your shoulders when you appear to not be an accountable team player due to trusting Fatlamas service. (FYI) Do not rent anything from Los (1 of the products he rents out is the canon a7iii with a Mic) he told me he was totally up to renting me the product then he canceled my request 2hrs later to make it available to whoever wanted to rent out that day, which to my
Knowledge wasn鈥檛 booked last week (oh how karma works so pleasantly) He didn鈥檛 even have the posture to communicate his intentions to me. This site is a mess. I promised I wouldn鈥檛 let what happened to me happen to someone else. So trust these words, run as fast as you
can kitsplit is an healthy alternative! Their products are high end, rentals are cheap & They鈥檙e sales team contact you to confirm if the products you request are available before your charged for it! Good luck!

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