Fat Llama

7 months ago

So this is how it Works. You rent an item you have chosen from a photo, but in actual fact the lender posts an item of 鈥?similar鈥?appearance which is also broken.
The recipient informs Fat Llama it is the wrong item and broken. But they state that can鈥檛 be the case as the lender has a photo. ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE?
Fat Llama obviously believe their unscrupulous lender and demand payment for an item never received based on the fact they have a picture!

Fat Llama opens the doors to invite immoral, unethical scammers in and not only condone these SCAMs but supports them.

If you like a bit of dodgy dealing this is the place to be. If you rent from here be ready for false accusations because apparently all lenders are honest people and they have a photo, so why wouldn鈥檛 they be?

Be prepared, that nice shiny camera you think you are renting might turn out to be a battered old iron in the box, but the photo shows the camera you always wanted to play with. So be prepared to pay up!

Please avoid this scam and don鈥檛 believe the lender reviews.
Be careful about who you trust your money and ID with

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