
6 months ago

Got a pouffe (point original) from you for my birthday (that is – it arrived two weeks late) – it was bought on your Norwegian language website and the price as the same as that of Norwegian stockist – however – to my big surprise it came with an invoice for Norwegian VAT and handling (extra NOK 358 on a price of product of 749) – in addition to the price!!
How can you justify this – charging the same as Norwegian stores (incl vat) but then charging the customer for vat and handling after delivery?! You should at a minimum deduct the Dutch VAT. Will never buy from you again!


4 years ago

I have bought and Fatboy hangout.
Get it in okay time BUT
then it get wrong
I want to sent it back – use the return buttom on the webside
Will Get and answer 5 days nothing happend
Had write the same day to get help for return
They answer 4 days later i shut use the webside
I do it again and answer them i have done it now 3 times
Still no answer – i have a hangout i can not use. And get get not answer how to return it
I'm a sad and angry customer

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