
8 months ago

Not great information on this site. Agree with the other one star reviews


1 year ago

Very left leaning neo liberal website which not only fails to recognise but by and large actively works against a respectful understanding of manhood and fatherhood which is leaving this world at a worrying rate. I believe in only one or two generations the global culture will be toxic and diseased beyond hope. May God help us all. Ameen


1 year ago

What a horrendous site. I subscribed thinking that the content could be beneficial being a new father. Instead it's a toxic click bait site that does more to harm a new father's journey into parenthood and marriage than it could ever possibly help. Seriously feels like the only advice they peddle is divorce.

Like all the other reviews, even after unsubscribing over a dozen times, you'll still be subscribed to this absolute garbage.

No value in their editorials, it's solely an ad revenue, click bait farm. Join at your own peril.


1 year ago

Same experience as the other reviewers. I never signed up, and despite repeated attempts to unsubscribe, I keep receiving their garbage content on a daily basis.


1 year ago

Same experience as the other reviewers. I never signed up, and despite repeated attempts to unsubscribe, I keep receiving their garbage content on a daily basis.


1 year ago

Can't unsubscribe from their emails. Super frustrating. I don't have kids. I don't want your newsletter and I nevered signed up for it. The unsubscribe has shown an error message for a year.


1 year ago

I have grave concerns that this family friendly parenting blog won't do the responsible thing and unsubscribe me from mailing lists. I am single and have no kids , and I have no business with kids -literally and figuratively. it's disturbing and contrary to their family values that Fatherly's website won't process the form to unsubscribe, and they have been dodging my evolving spam filters daily for the past 9 months.
out of curiosity I checked the content of their published articles, and they are full of fluff .

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