
8 years ago

Looks like this was probably shutdown. www.favtape.com now redirects to a site promoting ebay auctions.


12 years ago

make an online mix tape – this is a great way to make a mixtape for someone thousands of miles away…or just down the street. sign-up is super easy, and you can start creating your own faaavtape in no time. you just search for the songs you want to add to a particular "tape" and there it goes. the big downside is that there are songs that, while listed when searched, don't play, and sometimes you think you're adding a song when in fact it ends up being another song.

however, the idea is great, and the interface is accessible. you can also link it up to your last.fm or pandora to make a favtape of your favorited songs on either of those sites.


12 years ago

Favtape is so sweet, I can't use any other music services – Free music. Easy to browse. Almost any song you want. Favtape's got it. It's so sweet, someone is going to shut it down <img title="Cry" src="/javascript/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cry.gif" border="0" alt="Cry" />

But in the meantime, enjoy it. The only things I wish they would fix: the search sort of sucks (songs are duplicated) and some songs don't work or play bizarre live versions.


12 years ago

Like Muxtape but oh so much better – The crappy thing about Muxtape was it was impossible to find anything. And then it got shut down 🙁

Favtape is sweet. You can listen to full length songs, and you can browse around and find sh*t. BOOM!

I hope it doesn't get shut down too!

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