Feed You Fit

3 years ago

I am a brand new client to this young business. I signed up for a first shipment and like most online startups I assumed that I would receive a reminder email to "update subscription" or "update order" before the second was sent. This did not happen. In addition to this, I was having trouble logging into the website to review the account I had created. I woke up one morning to an email saying the second shipment was in transit before I was notified or asked approval of such an order. Apparently my card is on file, though I have no online account. When I emailed asking to have it put on hold so that I may review due to technical difficulties, here was their reply:

"We wish you contacted us earlier. We unfortunately cannot cancel your order due to it already being in transit. Also, for the inconvenience, we'd like to offer you a $10.00 discount for your next order."

I sent an email expressing my concerns that, as a new client they have not addressed the technical difficulties nor the concerns I had about the process of signing up for an account. I told them because of this I would not be ordering another round of food until it was rectified.

They never replied.

Instead I received a robotic email notifying me "my account had been disabled upon my request".

I encourage anyone wanting to order from a prepared food business to avoid this company and go with a company that DOESN'T treat their customer like their product – processed, and bland.

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