
8 years ago

FeedBlitz is a FEE-based alternative to FeedBurner (which is free). FeedBlitz is a reliable service for receiving blog/ website RSS and other types of feeds. It is used by reputable companies. That has been my only experience with FeedBlitz, so far, so good.


9 years ago

I like the facts that are uncolored- truth is truth…I support Israel's right to exist and protect herself from Hamas, Iran, and the Liberal Left in America (Noam Chomsky!)..I also wish the Palestinian people who live their lives out daily with no intent of harming others- peace and safety, just as Israelis wish to live their own lives! Recognize it is the bloodthirsty and hateful ideologies of Hamas, PLO, Iran, and other radical Islamic groups that have turned this all into a fiasco. Is it not time to let both I's and P's children to live in peace- this means Palestine to denounce and cease all going on with Hamas, PLO, and other radical anti-Israeli organizations.


10 years ago

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10 years ago

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