Felix Gray

8 months ago

Exceptional product & exceptional customer service from Brian! The glasses are stylish, lightweight, and completely took care of my eye strain & headaches. I needed to do an exchange due to my first pair being too small and Brian was ON IT! He was so responsive & helpful and got my new pair in the mail to me super quickly. Thanks for a wonderful product & experience, Felix Gray Team!


1 year ago

I purchased one pair of glasses from Felix Gray and they immediately started spamming me saying things like "Welcome to the family" and "Welcome to the FG club".

I am a stranger who bought something from you once. I didn't join a club and you are certainly not my family. Stop being sleazy and disrespectful to your customers!

Update: it's now been a couple months I am still constantly spammed by the company. I guess they think that people buy glasses several times a month.


2 years ago

Not only are the frames great but the customer service is too! The first pair I ordered were the wrong prescription (NOT Felix Gray鈥檚 fault but the doctor鈥檚) and the frames were just a bit small for my face. Anyways, I got a free refund and got another pair that are perfect! I used to wear irritating contacts just because I hated how glasses looked on me, but now I wear glasses every single day. The blue light filtering is effective in my opinion as well.
The ONLY small problem I have is that there is a very slight yellow tint that IS visible sometimes. In some pictures, this has given my eyes a yellowish gross kinda look. Very small, but I did notice. But all in all, will definitely buy again

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