Food And Drug Administration

5 months ago

I try to call at your system but failed to get my deliery on the time but late recevied that was perfect so please improve your call center


10 months ago

Easy forms to fill out, even if you don't have all the info.


11 months ago

I'm disappointed with the FDA for taking so long to check out the drug METFORMIN. Independent testing labs have found excessive contamination with NDMA, a probable carcinogen, one manufacturer, Amneal, with 16 times the allowable limit of NDMA, and the FDA is still testing it, so they say.
I'd feel a whole lot safer if they were getting these contaminated drugs off the market a whole lot faster.


1 year ago

My Angel Cat Grazee was my therapy cat. I have P.T.S.D., Bipolar Disorder,Essential Hypertension,Degenerative Joint Disease of Shoulder Region,Closed Subluxation Cervical Spine,Subluxation of Joint of Lumbar Spine,Parasomnia,Major depressive disorder,Anxiety Disorder,Neuropathy,Essential hypertension,
,Allergic rhinitis,Decreased tiestosterone level and a couple of other medical issues. My point that I am trying to make sure everyone understands how much Grazee my Cat meant to me, she was my little fur baby and was the only thing in this world that mattered to me. She made my life worth living, she calmed me when I would had an anxiety attack, she was right there when I would awake from one of my many nightmares and she would lie her head down on my chest and would purr and it had such a calming effect for me.
Okay here is the reason I have not ended my life yet, I promised her before she passed away from a direct cause of the poisonous ingredients that you the FDA allows pet food industries to include in their pet food products, I promised her that I will not stop blogging, posting and educating the public, animal lovers and pet owners on all my social media profile websites and blog spots about the horrible thing you allow these industries to include in their products. I decided that I am dedicating the rest of my life to spreading the news, contacting the media, contacting every senator, government official you the FDA and anyone else I think of to stop all of you. I have videos of whistle blowers that have taken pictures and posted them on poisoned I created a petition as well and I'm not stopping until justice is served to all of you. You are responsible for my babies death because she eat the same pet food her whole life and she would vomit after she eat and we discovered she suddenly had food allergies to chicken, her favorite and everything else. My Veterinarian had to put her on a prescription diet. She also tried different medications to stimulate her appetite because she stopped eating and she basically starved herself to death. It was the most horrible experience have ever had to endure watching her whither away to nothing. My vet was the one that told me about all the poisonous ingredients in pet foods. She told me about the following website that opened my eyes and sickened me because I thought America was better than:the true horrible things that are happening in this country and apparently you the FDA is responsible for it all! Go to this website but you probably already know about it and just don't care.
the truth about pet food .com website where I learned the truth about all you horrible people for allowing this to go on for 20 years I learned!
Don Naffziger who is now a Pet Safety and Animal Welfare Advocate!


1 year ago

I was taking the drug Simvastatin made by Northstar drug Co. to lower cholesterol and it took the vision out of my left eye twice and left me with permanent vision loss. THERE WAS NOT ONE WORD ABOUT VISION or eye PROBLEMS IN MY ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS PAPER I GOT WITH THE MEDICATION. I contacted an Attorney to file suit against the drug maker and he told me that the FDA protects Generic drug makers from lawsuits PLUS ALLOWS THEM TO OMIT THE DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS OF THEIR DRUGS FROM THE PATIENT ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS PAPERS YOU GET WITH THE MEDICATION. I am now left with permanent vision loss and no course for compensation. The FDA is the entity that is supposed to protect the consumer from this kind of thing but they protect BIG PHARMA so they can sell their 'POISONS" CHEAPER and cause blindness, vision loss and death. the FDA should approve STREET DRUGS as they are far safer then what you get form the pharmacy as I have never heard of a street drug blinding someone.


1 year ago

Reason for poor review is for the following from my experience & my opinion: I had a knee replacement done. From the very beginning the prosthesis caused severe pain/ swelling/ difficult mobility & I felt it moving in my leg. Because of pain, I was in tears daily. Some physicians thought I was just a hysterical female. Well finally, after almost a year & a half, a CT scan showed the cement used with the device did not adhere & was mobile in my leg. I had it removed & an alternate one put in place. On the FDA web site, the particular device I had implanted & it's cement was recalled more then once. Yet once the company made revisions, the FDA approved the device & cement. I have an attorney working on the case BUT here's the kicker: Since the FDA approved device & cement my atty informed me it's "preemption". It was explained that it means company can't be sued!!!!! So company offered minimal amount to settle case which I was informed to accept because the case can be thrown out! How dare the FDA!!!! What appears all well & good on paper in reality the device still failed! What a disgrace & shame on the FDA for protecting corporations versus consumers. Is it possible a "pay off" was made for approval???? Makes a person wonder. & does the FDA truly protect consumers? FYI: anyone having a prosthesis implanted please discuss fully w/ your physician & inquire which device he/she will put in place. Once you get this information, go to the FDA web site & check if the device was ever recalled.


1 year ago

Well we all have been there-lines, lines, lines. Buearaucracy at its best. Oh add hours of time on hold to that


4 years ago

Contains unencrypted contact forms. 聽Attempting to force https gives a default Akamai certificate indicating that FDA has not installed a proper HTTPS certificate to their Akamai node.


5 years ago

There should not be a drug administration, obviously. FDA is part of pharma drug cartel and not our government. They are comprised of pharma drug cartel, primarily, and may disband.

Drugs are to be shut down, not "administered". FDA is not government, it is a sack of .gov and a building.

FDA is guilty of reducing "drug approval time" to 3 months.

No other animal species does drugs, particularly higher beings.


6 years ago

I have some very serious issues with many of their policies- however, the website itself is well done. Most people don't realize it but generally the federal government is very good at making websites.


6 years ago

Who can honestly say they trust everything the government says.


6 years ago

I find this website useful and informatief.


7 years ago

Safe site for ??? agency. Protecting us, or who?


7 years ago

very useful and found lots of interesting facts on this site.


8 years ago

The US gov had made great strides in their online presence. Data is far more accessible than ever before. The site is fairly easy to use and contains a huge quantity of information that is easier to search through than one might expect.


8 years ago

Very wide information related on frugs


8 years ago

A must read for anyone who eats food in the US and those who take medication as well. Educate yourself.


8 years ago

This is government site for FDA


9 years ago

FDA Official Site


10 years ago

US FDA site part of government transparency goal.


10 years ago

Good site, useful information.


10 years ago

Official site of FDA


11 years ago

excellent site


11 years ago

Situs badan resmi di Amerika yang mengurusi masalah makanan dan obat-obatan serta sangat terpercaya


11 years ago What the pharma companies don't want you to know, doctors report here on this government website. Black box warnings, adverse patient reports, side effects that no one ever talks about until you have them…the site can be difficult to navigate for some but digging a little deeper can bring up information that is less biased than the general public websites against medications/medical stuff.

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