FOX News Go

1 month ago

FOX News Go – what can you watch on your computer and what can you see during your weekend. this may give you much data about great weekend experience and also may help you be in course of those things that will bring you success


1 month ago

FOX News is great, if only they didn't lean so much to the right


1 year ago

Every other day I get an error that says "unexpected error". I have to sign out of my provider in the app and then go through the tv provider sign in again. Very annoying. Not worth it to watch Fox. Fix your crap Fox!


1 year ago

So thankful that you gave the coverage to "The Second Time" group that is doing a tremendous job to help get prisoners, who get out of prison, need jobs, restoration of their families, how to get back and forth to work, and a number of other things. Fox is the only media service that covered this event and my wife and I are so pleased that they used this time to see what is happening on a positive note in our country instead of dragging everything down. Thanks again. Patrick and Diana Williams


4 years ago

I like Fox News because they are fair and seem to care about how and what they report.


5 years ago

Corrupted news agency, why would you want to have that when you have many more better options.


5 years ago

Very nice


5 years ago

One of my favorites. On top of news stories quickly with accurate reporting.


5 years ago

I watch Fox news I feel there the best-balanced news media programs on. We need more news media taking a stand fo the people that watch the news instead of who will pat them on the back . Why would anyone want to hurt the greatest nation in the world. News media does just that. if you go talk to the people you will hear what I do. News it there for the big ratings. where DO I Stand and others that watch news. I have gotten so sick of the news most of the time I have to shut my TV off. There is so much garbage coming from it. All other news media get a 2 stars from me.if you think I am the only one that feels this way you hae another thing docmng. My son won't even watch it anymore . Brenda Carlton


5 years ago

I love watching fox news.


5 years ago

Fox News is not the place to find unbiased news. News items are scewed to fit the conservative view to the point of total mis-information. Does actual harm in presenting news to the public.


6 years ago

bunch of idiots fueling the illuminati's propaganda. It's people like them that lead to people like Treyvon getting killed

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