Fox's Biscuits

9 months ago

Awful. No taste, just sugar. Their cookies taste like sweet crunchy cardboard. What a waste of money.


1 year ago

Nothing like the Fox's biscuits from a few years ago, taste cheap. Gone downhill, so will not be buying any more. Also, they are smaller.


1 year ago

We have had a box for the past 2 years for xmas gift and they are stale I thought it was me but other people have had same problem so I'm never having anymore ever .I think I will look into this further.


1 year ago

A dreadful experience when applying to work at Fox's.

Recruitment has been taken over by Ranstad Inhouse services and I have never come across such an inept and poorly run company (both fox's and Ranstad)

After attending an induction day for a role with production I encountered extremely rude, aggressive staff (Ramona Chiriac especially) who were out of there depth nor able to provide any confidence to the applicants in that they are able to process our applications or indeed knew what they were doing.

Forms were full of errors, I was asked to tick through 'office use only' sections myself including medicals and have been unable to speak with anyone at either businesses in 4 days after with the contact number provided unanswered and the mailbox continually full.

A second date had been advised verbally on initial induction for 9am 2 days later.

With no contact I turned up anyway.

5 hours later, myself and a large group were left waiting in reception with no idea when we would be seen.

I have incurred financial costs with travel cards to attend these appointments with no idea to when I could actually start.

Further emails were sent and upon calling their main offices in Leeds I was told they had been inundated with calls from people who had also made applications and had no further contact from either business and that a crisis meeting had been called.

I have never come across such a poorly run service with Ranstad, indeed surprised they still have the contract and with fox's also completely ignoring calls feel they are unable to do the most basic of services and have little understanding to customer service or experience.

A truly horrible experience and would recommend people to stay well away.

Shocking companies.


1 year ago

Terrible company with regards to customer care and product manufacturing. I also bought 4 boxes of fox鈥檚 Biscuits and the contents were stale.
No response from customer care team despite emailing and calling.
Appalling treatment of loyal customers. Haven鈥檛 purchased anything produced by Fox鈥檚 since and will never do so again.


1 year ago

The company is owned by Mr. Singh as I wrote to him and to date I have not had a response. Worst biscuits you can buy

Dear Mr. Singh.

I鈥檓 a loyal customer of Fox鈥檚 biscuits and I have noticed that the quality of these brands have somewhat deteriorated over the last 12 months.

In principle I thought it is necessary as a consumer to tell you how I feel as I will no longer buy this brand after 30 years of eating Fox鈥檚 biscuits and two generations. Please see the attached pictures below as this is how the biscuits were when I opened the packaging.
Simple appalling and sadly at this rate you will definitely lose many customers to other rival brands.

This pack was bough from B&M retailer in Ruislip Middlesex.

I will be interested to know why the quality had become so poor?


1 year ago

In the same boat had three boxes of fabulously foxes that was stale when I emailed them they asked for the codes which I emailed back promised vouchers 3 months on still waiting


1 year ago

Terribly disappointed with Fox鈥檚 and their customer service. I bought some biscuits as a gift from my children to their grandparents for Christmas and when they opened them they were all stale. We contacted fox鈥檚 who were very apologetic and promised to send out some vouchers as recompense. That was the beginning of January and nothing has arrived yet. ?


2 years ago

Sent 2 emails no response tried calling customer care & answer machines said the office closed at 4:30 even though it was 4:15, wanting to complain about stale biscuits someone really needs to look into this company !


2 years ago

Rang customer services nobody answers directs you to answer machine then says you can't leave a message mailbox is full , sent 3 emails nobody got back to me in over a week , customer service this isn't acceptable


2 years ago

bought four boxes of the fabulously selection but every box contained stale biscuits.left three emails but no reply.cannot even speak to anyone at their customer service.these were a present for Christmas.just unacceptable.wheres the customer rights.anyone thinking of buying this product you have been warned


2 years ago

All the biscuits taste the same of chocoleate orange when their not supposed to. Also they are all soft and taste off. Even tho their in date.not happy


2 years ago

Avoid thj reviews. eye notice that my old foe laurence cumins haas been leeving the rewiewws once agen. he dose not speask on the half of me, tony marsh. eye love 2 throwe away the pakigin, a do it evry day. this man is fake new s. if he dosent like the pakigin then he dose not hav to eat it but don't leeve your fake news and trollop on here to make the fox not want the pakigin. thank u tony marsh (tony marsh)


3 years ago

Avoid the Fabulously assortment, unless you enjoy throwing away more packaging than food!


3 years ago

They make millions yet refuse to spend a few hundred pounds and maintain the over grown trees and bushes on Victoria avenue. This is one of the factory car parks. A number of letters have been written by residents from the street, but have been ignored. The previous owners of the company made sure the vegetation was maintained. The new Singh owners care only about themselves and making money. The pavement is now a health and safety issue. The public are having to walk close to the edge of the pavement due to the over hanging. This includes little kids playing out in the holidays . Shame on you for over looking such a small but important public matter.


4 years ago

The products were PREMIUM products over a decade ago, however, since being taken over by Ranjit Singh's 2 Sisters Food Group, the products have become so poor that they can be classed as cheap and cheerful

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