
2 years ago

FoxyKredit It's a scam and It's a scam. Today I have new mail

FoxyKredit It's a scam and It's a scam. And Finansielle partnere t's a scam, info(a) It's a fake mail. It's a scam. Never go on the link or unscribble, you get caught in a trap, and then send more and more mail from other asresses. Never ending story. The side is scam. I'm not a customer of you or , unscrible me from your maillists now. It,a fake. You're just out on I press the link so you can pump me for money, it's cheating. I have unsubscribed from my number of times and you continue to send me an email. Mail from info(a) fake mail.
mail from today in DanisFoxyKredit It's a scam and It's a scam. Today I have new mail

FoxyKredit It's a scam and It's a scam. And Finansielle partnere t's a scam, info(a) It's a fake mail. It's a scam. Never go on the link or unscribble, you get caught in a trap, and then send more and more mail from other asresses. Never ending story. The side is scam. I'm not a customer of you or , unscrible me from your maillists now. It,a fake. You're just out on I press the link so you can pump me for money, it's cheating. I have unsubscribed from my number of times and you continue to send me an email. Mail from info(a) fake mail.
mail from today in Danis
S酶rg for at din bank opfylder dine finansielle behov

FoxyKredit er designet til at g酶re det nemt for dig at finde finansielle l酶sninger der passer til dine behov.
Vores netv忙rk af finansielle partnere giver muligheder for de bedste deals indenfor genfinansiering, kredit, forsikring og forbrugsl氓n.
Du kan benytte vores service til at g酶re det nemt at sammenligne og modtage de bedste tilbud online uden omkostninger og forpligtelser for dig.
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L氓neeksempel: 50.000 kr. o/5 氓r gir.eff.rente 5,25%. Etabl.geb 949 kr. Totalt 56.958 kr. Afmeld

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