
9 months ago

This review is regarding Freshwater Place Wellness Medical Practice in Southbank, Victoria, Australia.

My experience with this Medical Practice has been one of complete disregard for the integrity, dignity and basic care for the disabled.
If you have a disability, you can expect to be patronised and humiliated.
Personally, I am a successful professional and am not used to be spoken to with such shocking dismissiveness and unkindness.
Holistic? Striving for excellence? You've got to be kidding.
I pay my taxes, have not committed a crime in my life, am an impeccably polite and considerate, well presented, professional and expect respect, always.
If you have a disability, I suggest you consider seriously some other practice.

Welcome to 2020, the age of equality and online consumer driven sharing of experience.
Dismissing the disabled as powerless and unrepresented is not just no longer acceptable, it just might come straight back at you one day, where you find yourself suddenly accountable and your own reputation in question.

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