Freedom Park

4 years ago

I graduated from UofL in 2006 and other than heading to PJCS for football games or swing by the SAC to pick up tickets, I don't have many reasons to be on campus or pay attention to what's new around campus. But, the Confederate Statue was just removed so when I walked from Cardinal Boulevard to the Speed Museum (which recently opened re-opened and gives me another reason to be on campus) I paid attention to what seemed to stand in it's place. I was surprised to read that the memorial park has stood here since 2012.

From UofL's website — "Charles H. Parrish, Jr. Freedom Park tells the story of African Americans in Louisville and the Commonwealth through a series of 10 information obelisks, each focusing on an era or topic specific to Louisville, and 10 glass panels detailing the contributions of some of the giants of Louisville's civil rights struggle."

The "park" is well done — but it's not so much a park. No swing sets or basketball hoops. The park sits in the triangular land between 2nd and 3rd Streets. (Where the Playhouse is). It's mostly a fancy place with to kill time while waiting on the bus, waiting for a table at Griff's or to catch your breath if you can't find a parking spot on campus and parked a mile away.

There are benches to sit upon and cool bios about the 10 honored African American Louisvillians. If you enjoy history, admiring bravery and are in the area — it's clean, it's safe and it's free.

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