GENCO Marketplace

4 months ago

We bought a packet of watches and 25% ended up being broken, missing parts, and needed a battery. I believe that there will always be a certain percentage of watches that will need to be repaired in every packet. Not worth the effort and time.


1 year ago

This company is owned by Fedex which surprises me that they would run an operation that is at it's core dishonest. They tag every product, so they know exactly what they are giving you. They also remove tags that state product condition so they can sell it as customer returns. But it's not customer returns, at one point it might of been but it has been processed through many times and you get what's left at the end. They know this, there is no way they can't. A very long time ago you might of been able to get a good deal but not anymore. The most recent deal I did was about $22,000 and I'll be luck to break even, even after I put many many man hours in to going through it and selling it. When you go through the items and see how they removed tags, you know they are running a fraudulent operation. They remove tags that say the product is salvage or damaged, and they remove them, so they can say it's customer returns. Matt Thompson the guy who sells most of it now, has to know, and I'm sure spends his days putting out fires from upset companies. Once you buy there is no way to get your money back. The company itself is named after a mafia owned company in The Godfather, so you just have to think about how they are going to treat you. If you are trying to start a reselling business stay way or pay half or less of what they are asking.


2 years ago

After reading the poor reviews Im not surprised about this company. I wouldnt spend a dollar on a business who doesnt care about their website appearance. I sign up, confirm but not a single location to find listings for any products? Plus half of the site is cut off on my phone. So I cant even read it. Bad coding. Just a waste of time. Not worth the risk of spending money on. The reviews speak for itself.


3 years ago

I have purchased twice crom Genco in their pallet lot auctions. The first time I bought 4 lots of Ultra HD tv's which were supposedly overstock and liquidations. Not one of the tv's were salvageable due to they all had broken screens. Really…all 27 of them!

My second experience, thinking the first was just dumb luck, I purchased 2 pallets of HD tv's. 12 4k ultra high def tv's all listed as a liquidation by the customer. When I went to pick them up at thejr warehouse, every box was mangled and looked lime someone was jumping on them. Again…NOT ONE of the tv's had an intact screen! Genco's response to my complaints…"we're not responsible."

I have now been ripped off and scammed twice and will never grace Genco with my business and money again. Its pretty sad when you treat your customers this way.


6 years ago

Bought a lot of brand new clothes with tags attached, shelf pulls. They were all very high end popular brand names (or so I thought). I received a box of junk brand names and not one had a tag! NOT ONE. Filed a dispute, of course they declined it! piece count was all wrong, not to mention it was all a bunch of garbage! In other words I got robbed. Useless company. Beware!!


7 years ago

Summary: I purchased a shipment of various Overstock items from Genco and was delivered only 25% of the items ordered. Half of that 25% were damaged beyond salvage. The company response was to ignore my requests and when finally pressured to tell me essentially "not our problem". Story below:
WARNING- GENCO IS A SCAM. Deal with them at your own risk …

On June 21st, 2013, I purchased a load from Genco Marketplace. It was sold to me as an Overstock load (not returns or salvage). I paid $20,000 USD for it the same day it was ordered, it cost me another $8,000 with shipping, duties, taxes, etc. Genco had various minor issues finding the payment and pushed to have the load picked up before they closed their Ohio facility. No big deal.

The shipment of 19 skids arrived at my shop On July 15th, 2013 and I immediately noticed it was in very bad shape. Most of the skids looked as if a dinosaur had eaten them ( I have many pics), and many were mangled and bent beyond salvage. I notified Genco the following day July 16th. At that point, I was unaware of the worst part, which I shortly discovered after inspecting and cataloguing the load.

After inspection, it became very clear that I was either being scammed or Genco had made a huge error somewhere. I was missing 75% of the items I had purchased. Of the 25% that did arrive, only half was salvageable. This is a serious issue that a reputable company would want to look into asap. Not so for Genco. I informed my sales rep (Ray Gallagher) at Genco Marketplace on July 19th via phone message and email and received no response.

On July 22nd we completed inspecting the last few skids and our suspicions of having been shortchanged were confirmed. At this point I checked our Bill of Lading and found that the shipment was actually short 4,000lbs (of 13,500lbs). I immediately sent a follow-up email to my sales rep. He requested a list of what was missing and damaged. On July 23rd we sent him a complete list of damaged and missing items with a summary and pictures. No response was received.

On July 25th, we sent another follow-up email requesting an update. No response. July 26th, I decided to go above my sales rep and phoned their customer support and spoke with a lady by the name of Carol. I passed on all the info and was promised a response. None was received, so I followed up with an email addressed to both customer support and my sales rep. No responses received.

I phoned again to customer support and was passed on to Vince Curtain, Director of Sales, and left him a voicemail explaining the situation. I received a brief voicemail the following day explaining that the alledged issue was under review. I called back several times and left him a voicemail to please contact me, no response. I finally got ahold of my sales rep by phone (same day I filed a BBB complaint, hmm). He assured me they wanted to keep doing business with me and that they would review the issue. I asked what sort of timeline I could expect for a response, and was told he was not sure. At this point I was becoming increasingly concerned at the lack of interest in the problem, and that they were ignoring the majority of my emails and calls, and that I had been given no explanation or timeline for a response to my inquiries.

I finally had my lawyer draft a letter, to which did get a response from Vince saying only that they had upheld their portion of the communication, and that the issue was under review. I also filed a Better Business Bureau complaint, and received the same one line response the issue is under review. What did this review entail? When would it provide me and answer? More importantly, what were they going to do about selling me a product and not delivering it?

By August 8th, almost a month since I first reported the issue, NO ONE has contacted me for additional information. NO ONE has taken the initiative to discover what has gone wrong. NO ONE has made any effort whatsoever to rectify the problem, except to infrequently answer my calls/emails when pressed by my lawyer or the Better Business Bureau. I had my lawyer send a second email to the CEO, a Mr. Robert Auray Jr warning that legal action would be taken if no responses were received. Today, August 13th we received a response saying that their position is that the load was shipped in tact. No explanation. Not one person phoned me to ask questions about the missing and damaged shipment. Is this how you investigate a claim? This is how you ignore one. Genco was very communicative when it came to taking my money, but has avoided my calls and emails and now says essentially tough luck.


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