5 years ago

It redirects to a miracle cure scam site. Avoid!


6 years ago

This site is just another victim of low information people who have never used the products or done any real or in-depth research on them.
MMS has been used for decades by hospitals as a safe way to disinfect viruses and bacteria. If it wasn't safe they wouldn't use it. It has been FDA approved in food processing!!
PLUS!! The RED CROSS has admitted that it is safe and effective in curing malaria that their "modern medicines" couldn't even begin to touch.
Please don't allow the 'ignorant' to make your decisions about your healthcare for you. Just go to and type in " sodium-chlorite safety" and you will see the clinical research that has been done on it's safety.
This a church with a healing ministry, it doesn't use dogma to control it's members or threaten them with eternal damnation if they decide that they wish to leave. What is wrong with that???


7 years ago

Links for evidence provided below!

In the founder's own words, "Do you understand the power that a church has that hasn鈥檛 given up its power? Look at the Catholics. Their priests have been molesting women and children for centuries and the governments have not been able to stop it. If handled properly a church can protect us from vaccinations that we don鈥檛 want, from forced insurance, and from many things that a government might want to use to oppress us." How admirable, to set up a church because that's allowed other religions to avoid consequences for abuses and verified accusations of harm.

Set up by Jim Humble, notorious and banned in many countries for marketing MMS for everything from heavy metal cleansing to parasites to bowel issues to AIDs, cancer, and autism via swallowing, bathing, and even as an enema. It is instructed for use on both adults and children, should be taken for a lifetime. It is supposed to cause considerable sickness for a while as a sign that it is working, and diarrhea from MMS is not *real* diarrhea so it should be ignored! MMS is pretty much industrial bleach somewhat diluted with water or citrus and has already raised some serious health worries and bans. Jim Humble mainly focuses on third world and developing countries now due to bans and authorities seeking him out in the first world.

He's compared himself to Jesus as a healer and even started a church (followers must pay for information on it, of course: and declared himself archbishop to evade criticism and consequences (and enlighten+treat people for a price).

Bleaching away what ails you

MMS: Yes, It Is Bleach

Even other alt med groups are wary of it:


7 years ago

This site is very useful as well as the information is contains, helping people to cure many diseases that would make their lives horrible or even kill them. I have tried MMS and distributed it to friends and family and with 100% success in helping them getting rid of their diseases.


8 years ago

I use MMS 2 yaers. And it helps and heals ever kind of healt problems.
I think the unbeliveble thing in this is, THER IS NO ADVERTISING IN TV.

I DONT BELIVE TV any more.
TV SUCKS every one.


8 years ago

"Good Site" regardless of all the negative comments, don't believe them folks (site is truly safe) chuck full of useful information concerning MMS application modalities, patient cases/history, scientific data ….This Site is under direction of Bishop Jim Humble using the numerous MMS protocols that have worked for so many thousands and continue to do so with at times hopeless terminal unhealthy situations. "Mainstream Medicine" has little to no clue for real return to a healthy restoration with normally required treatments. Read up and study, do your own independent research/call and talk to patients others which are familiar with MMS. You just may be a convert and then believe (not the BS) other mainstream jack booted thugs, shills with ongoing poo poo, lies- continued misinformation against alternative medicine methods in general. Some us in the health fields know better…the real truth. Hopefully you will finally too!.


8 years ago

I like WOT as a rule, but in regards to this site(MMS/ Jim Humble), on facebook page every link is red marked, when I personally know that they ARE reliable. It seems that somehow these ratings are being influenced in a smear campaign. By simply reading the bad comments it is obvious that these "people" have no idea what they are talking about- or are just plain lying. MMS is pretty straight forward, and it works as stated. I know this from personal use on myself and others first hand. FDA-back off! The public already knows you're the pharma's left nut, but you are not Teflon.
Just remember folks, more people die from drugs the FDA approves than the herbs, alternative treatments, OR RAW MILK etc. that they spend our tax money on trying to suppress…Because it makes us healthy, and there is no money for them in that!


8 years ago

Best Natural Healing Site ever. ! !


8 years ago

Of course it's obvious by the many comments on here calling MMS a scam that trolls are attempting to discredit the many health benefits of MMS. Why—because it works, that's why, it's easy, it's inexpensive, it's effective and worth trying on just about any kind of health problem without harmful side-effects and without having to rely on pharmaceutical drugs with their many detrimental side-effects.


9 years ago

Yeah…I see the Pharmagoons are at it again…attempting to discredit things that expose their own HUGE scam to convince people to keep allowing themselves to be sheared. There are more deaths each year, in the USA from "properly" prescribed and administered medication, than by guns or vehicular accidents combined. But hey…trust them!


9 years ago

health fraud and scam site


9 years ago

If you look into it as I have, you will find that the same few people are slamming any site associated with MMS. These people have no real knowledge of the actual uses and benefits of the protocols. They take their cues from each other, as they are fed lists of websites that they "hit" in a blind crusade, using WOT as a vehicle for their actions. This is not the intent of WOT and it's rating system should not be used in this way. It should be used by people who have actual knowledge and experience of a website, contents and motives.


9 years ago

I have used MMS and have had good results with food poisoning as well as abscessed teeth..


10 years ago

The new protocols work better and eliminate most of the problems some people had because they did not fully understand how to follow the old protocols.
It is documented how that old protocol saved some many lives.
This is just another product to supply oxygen to the cells which allows the body to recover from any and all illnesses.

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