8 months ago

Cannot receive my profit

At the聽beginning (maybe end of May)聽I talked with Mr.聽 Frederick in Linkedin about how your company鈥檚 colleagues scammed me. Mr Frederick said he could help. As long as I opened an聽account with his company and put US$300 in it, he could help me migrate the old account to a new account then I can get back what my deposit. Before I made the聽deposit, I asked him so many times if there were any fees for withdrawal. He聽said NO. So I put UD$300, during which he said that the money from the old account can be transferred to the new account. A week later, when I wanted to get back my profits USD 72778. After I sent the withdrawal request different fees were derived. Firstly is $2000 for IBPC, secondly is $3500 manager fee and TAX, thirdly is $5000 UPGRADE account to get money. At that moment I had asked Ms Clara to write an email to me, after this upgrade no other extra fee I need to pay. Unfortunately, I got an email about聽聽ITF $2700 and finally it is 10% 21550 (finally he deduct to USD15000) of the manager's COMMISSION profit. Throughout the process, I kept asking if it was the last payment. He said yes, but every time there was the next one. At the end, which is talking about the commission聽of Mr. Frederick 10% of the profit, Ms Clara said I need to pay to Mr. Frederick, I said I will pay because聽I assume聽the commission will deduct from my profit directly,聽 聽so asked Mr Frederirck聽don't ask me again I will pay to him and also Mf Clara said I can pay to him after I get the profit. But finally Mr. Frederick rejected and he聽needed聽me to pay before I go聽the money.聽No one told me I needed to pay back Mr. Frederick once I got聽it. So聽I told聽him that I didn't have so much money on hand and the聽money was for the kids. I urgently needed it for immegration. Pls help the kids, so I聽 offered him I will pay聽 HKD 30000聽today, he will sign the document. Then I can receive the money tonight, Once I receive the money I must pay back to him.聽 At the beginning, Me Frederick rejected it. But Ms Clara Issabella confirmed with me that I could pay HKD30000 first. I can get it back on the same day. After I get聽 the profit聽 I pay聽back to him. But unfortunately, I paid HKD30000, he still did not give me money, the money is for children to apply for immigration, they clearly know that they still keep me from taking money, saying I must pay all the money to give me profit.

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