
5 months ago

A really terrible customer support 馃槨. In fact there is no way to get any solution to their horrible call centers, where when you ask a support, they put down the phone! Could not possibly recommend them. Shame on Fastweb 馃槨馃槨


6 months ago

I've had an account on Fastweb since, I think, 2007 (when I started my Undergraduate program).

They have made some improvements over the years, but they still have work to do. I tend to get matched with quite a few irrelevant and/or expired scholarships. Additionally, they have a lot of "sponsored" scholarships, which profess to be easy-to-win scholarships in which the the applicant only needs to submit their name and email address, and maybe some additional information. In essence, these are just other companies building their marketing lists or trying to get people to create an account on their websites (you might say they are scam adjacent).

Would I recommend FastWeb? Uhh…reservedly, I would say go ahead and check them out. Just don't get your hopes up and totally rely on paying for your education with scholarships you sourced on FastWeb. Also, be careful which scholarships you apply for and how much information you're sharing (if it seems really easy to apply for, then everyone is probably applying for it, so your chances are next to nil), because you're likely to get LOTS of junk mail.

I suppose, to be fair, I should mention that I since I started using FastWeb, I've managed to win ONE $1,000 scholarship.


10 months ago

Fa cagareeeeee


1 year ago

Always bad internet in the evening and on weekends. The company is stealing internet from customers. Thief's!!!


1 year ago

Great site to learn about scholarship opportunities for higher education. I'd recommend applying to multiple scholarships.


2 years ago

Its a scam, applied to so many scholarships, never got one. By the way I have GPA 4.00, and my financial condition is below poverty line.


2 years ago

Horrible service and completely inefficient. Takes months to close service with them while they continue to charge you for no service.


2 years ago

They have a complete set of scholarships available for students. I was able to choose few scholarships to apply for and won one too.

Great source of financially help to students.


2 years ago

As a parent I've used Fastweb to explore various kinds of scholarships that my children could be eligible for. I found a very broad collection of scholarship resources and a lot of information behind the requirements for them. The only concern I'd have for the website is that many scholarships that are given out by colleges that one is already considered for when applying for one at that institution, are there which makes for some unnecessary bulking up of the list of scholarships. It makes it harder to dig through all of the other scholarships that one would apply for, especially organizations outside of academia. It takes a long time to search through because of the number of resources that they list, but it's still time well spent.


4 years ago

The site might be free thanks to all the advertising (and it's certainly up to the individual to further investigate any scholarship offers) but I've found that after applying for a scholarship through their site I then receive a lot of unwanted, junk emails, some of them pornographic in nature. Also, the description of what Fastweb posts has been different than what the actual scholarship site lists. Deadlines aren't always accurate where the scholarship site will refuse access a day or more before the posted deadline. I don't believe Fastweb is a scam but I do feel some of the scholarships are bogus and use Fastweb to further their agendas.


6 years ago

Before doing anything people should run a protected browser and then read their policies in detail.

Then it might be advised to make test run with a disposable email address and see what they do.


9 years ago

I have recently been looking into a lot of scholarships. Fastweb is a good way to do that. They show you ads, but that is how they stay free. They let you share or not share as much as you want. You can turn off announcements and emails, and they really do turn off if you do so. They are not a scam site and they give away information on avoiding scams. While I have not gotten a scholarship yet, I have gotten several good links through them for ones I have applied to and others that I could apply to. That means they do what they say they do. I just don't give them a 5 because the interface could be a little nice and it would be good if they had a way for you to mark the ones that you already applied to.


10 years ago

This is a great site for finding scholarships. However, it is paid for by advertisements, so if you do not want spam, don't sign up for it. Just click the next page or skip this step button.


10 years ago

Helpful for finding scholarships, trust me.


10 years ago

Useful site to find scholarships


11 years ago

their unsubscribe thing doesn't work at all, and they send me the same dumb scholarships every week.


11 years ago

need money – do you want to go back to school and do not have money, then try this website, there are scholarship out here for every one. there is also a pell grant that pays so to got to school. plus you receive up to 3500.00 back from uncle sam to go to college. plus you do not pay any back. wow school for free , get that degree now and get the best jobs out there.

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