
4 years ago

This was my first time to try to get a puppy online. Seen this one puppy Rico, he is a small puppy, just enough for me to handle. Email this site and the owner answered. Stated he was available and would cost $500.00 and the shipping was free. I had my husband to check it out and he thought it was a legitimate site. He stated that if I buy 2 puppies, that I could get them both for 850.00$. So I proceeded, and was very excited to get the puppies. The 850.00 through western union did not go through, so he stated just send 450.00$ and pay the rest when the puppies was delivered. So I waited, then I got a email from a Arona pet express stating that the puppies could not be release unless I paid 980.00$ this is for Insurance on the puppies. No one I have talked to that flies out their pets have ever heard of this. I did not pay this, Ins. is the responsibility of the sender not the receiver. They stated that we would get our money back when the puppies where delivery but since know one has heard of this I refused. I emailed Mr. R.W. of this and he also stated that I would get the refund. Still I didn't send the money. So I ask Mr. R.W. since I paid for Rico the puppy would he just send him, he told me that he would and he would use a Chinese delivery service because they did not have to have insurance. Then he told me that he has to pay $200.00 to get the puppies. He said they told him to come back the next day and sign papers, then he would definitely send Rico to me at 11:00am on Jan 17th. So I waited and I emailed him to check to see if he sent Rico and then he told me I had to pay $200.00 for shipping. I did not send the money due to the fact that he told me that there was no extra money from me. I have not heard from him since then. I email him again and ask for him to send my money back but with know response. I know that I probable will never get the puppy or my money. I just want him to be reported so he will not do this to anyone one else. It is sad because they maybe be legitimate sellers out there, but this taught me a lesson, never trust online deals. All the proof I have is the emails I have kept from him and the pet express Arona.

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