
8 months ago

My son works just down the road from an Amazon depot in Belverdere, I pretty much drop him to work and the roads are quit narrow, but a number of vans coming out of the Amazon depot is quite a lot, but instead of waiting for trafgfice to pass they just pull out. Today 7/6/20 at 11 55AM one of th grey van drivers pulled out inb front of me as i was right on top of Amazon, causing me to brake hard I blew my horn and he made the usual rude gestures. Something needs to be done about these vans before they cause an accident.


10 months ago

I have been working in Fast Despatch Logistics company for 6 months and I am happy about my decision ever since.
From the very beginning I had been professionally trained for this job and I have learned from an amazing team. Although it was all new to me, I got all the support I needed to become better and better. And what's the most important, in my opinion, is that my voice has always been heard!
The management is so great and open to feedback, so no idea is a bad idea.
The teams are constantly working together to develop new ways of making all our jobs easier, even when the world is going through these difficult times.


1 year ago

Worst company ever. Don't work with them. Didn't want to pay me after I left. One of the managers is Florin Lupu worst person I ever met

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