
2 months ago

I do not understand why any company uses FedEx to deliver their parcels. You wait to get through to speak to the and they just say after 20 minutes on hold sorry we're busy and hang up on you. What a joke. Told me my delivery would be here today and it's not turned up with no explanation and now I don't have a clue when it's meant to be delivered. Their status updates are pointless as at 8pm tonight it gave me an update saying its still being delivered today by 6pm…either they can't tell the time or don't know how to read date. The lack of communication is terrible.


2 months ago

In conjunction with the bike Club…like dealing with Laurel and Hardy (but less entertaining)

I don't need to say much…just read 99% of the reviews.

Probably think they are too big to fail….Blockbuster, Arcadia Group, Kodak, Nokia, IBM….anyone?

It's a good job for them there are no competitors on the market….

Oh no wait there are loads popping up every day….ouch.


2 months ago

1 star is too good. Expecting a delivery from Wednesday on a next day service and driver just doesnt turn up and says he couldnt open door. Awful delivery company. Would close my company before I used this lot


2 months ago

Absolutely awful billing system! Got billed twice and debt collectors letter for something I had already Paid! Avoid like the plague !

You call and nobody answers, web chat is useless! you cant actually speak to them! Shambles of a company!


2 months ago

Fed ex are taking the p***. Surely they can鈥檛 be this incompetent. Item delivered yesterday, card thru letterbox , tried to rearrange delivery, web site doesnt work. Spoke to several 鈥淲orking from home muppets鈥?who all put me on hold. Grrr All I want is a way to collect my items.


3 months ago


Package was late for more than a week then once it said out for delivery, it never came and the reason is wrong address. Was in contact with customer service several times for this and promised it will be delivered the following day but same thing happened, out for delivery again but at the end of the day they will just put on tracking that the address is incorrect. So appalling!!!


3 months ago

Received both a SMS message and Email from FedEx today for next day delivery of a car part that failed to be delivered.
In attempts to contact them by phone and virtual assistant, both redirected to the online tracking which was inadequate .
Having used other courier companies such as DPD and Hermes, locally these have given higher customer service and superior quality of deliveries.


3 months ago

I am a first time customer of a Drinks Supplier, who use Fedex as their courier.
After being informed by the Drinks company who had their delivery time/date from Fedex , three times the delivery information was incorrect, and I have informed the Drinks Company who appear to have still not received the correct information when the delivery will be made.
What \now are Fedex allowed to trade with so much incorrect information to my supplier.Their customer service is just so bad…advice…Don't ever use this company.
Wrenton Rogers


3 months ago

I recently sent two parcels to East Asia from the UK using the ParcelCompare website which linked through to Fedex. Firstly, the website would not allow a full list of contents, in fact only an abbreviated list of about 20 characters so I did my best to summarise. Similarly the 'value' box would not allow multiple items.
Anyway the parcels were collected as advertised. Followed tracking through to destination country where the status changed to 'clearance instructions from importer required'. Two days later I received a phone call from a female Fedex person with such a strong Indian accent that I had to ask her to repeat every sentence at least 3 times. A very difficult conversation. Most of the conversation concerned "an iPhone three in your parcel which wasn't declared". Somebody also called the potential recipient of the parcel to ask about "the iPhone three". In fact there wasn't an iPhone in the parcel. I suspect that someone was hoping to pocket import duty on the non existent phone.
Both parcels contained only clothes sent as xmas presents.I was asked to email another list of contents and to "update the commercial invoice". There was no such document, only the receipt for payment. The status remained unchanged. I then tried the Fedex Contact Us chat window on their website and got an immediate and obviously automated response saying they would respond as quickly as possible. I heard nothing more for two days The recipient then received a call saying there was no iPhone after all and the parcel was delivered. I also tracked the second parcel which had the same status at the destination country airport ie in East Asia, followed the next day by by – location France.(obviously nonsense) The day after that the second parcel was delivered in East Asia.


3 months ago

Charged ridiculous price for import and given the fee weeks after I'd already recieved my package so I couldn't send it back.


3 months ago

driver signed COVID signature stating delivered 11:30 as consignment was on a before 12:00
contacted our customer NO parcel delivered.

We have a situation, what if the parcel was untraceable where did we stand. Driver docs said delivered Customer said NO delivery. Another lost/stolen package ??



4 months ago

I hope you are well.
We are a UK based company that shipping domestic/international parcels with UPS at the moment.
We were thinking about switching our international shipping provider as we are not very happy with UPS prices.
Yesterday I've requested you through your website to contact me for your service and price details.

One of your colleagues called me today from the number 078……………. at 09:24am
The time slot that I choose was afternoon, but because I am available at the time of call, I wanted to speak anyway.

I gave some information about our business, and he asked me to send him our UPS rate table.

Suddenly the line has broken and I called back him.
2 calls took total of 5 minutes.

I didn't wanted to share that kind of information, but he kept asking rudely.
He mentioned that this is waste of time if I don't send the UPS rate table.
And than he said FEDEX UK is so busy, this is waste of time, and conversation is over and he suddenly ended the call.

I just wanted to work with your company because sometimes we buy Fedex labels for spesific destinations through We mostly happy with the service you've provided.

But unfortunately this was such an annoying terrible conversation.
That was a shame for your company.
You may want to speak and take action about that person.
He wasted my 1 hour right now. He seriously bothered me.
No one deserves something like that!
I asked his name through Whatsapp but he hasn't replied.

Meanwhile we still interested about your services.
I appreciate if someone else call us and give us information about shipping rates.

Thank you in advance for your help.


4 months ago

Hours spent on the phone trying to get a receipt/invoice for VAT and Duty paid. Emails go unanswered, online chat is useless, and phone lines cut out every time you think you might actually be getting through to someone that might help. What a disaster. On the bright side I now know who to avoid for the business logistics account.


4 months ago

Drivers have no common sense! Won't leave parcels with neighbour etc. A joke of a company!


4 months ago

Worst service I have ever seen. My family sent me gift twice through 2 providers and ever provider shipped the gift with FedEx. I always got import duty charged for no reason just because someone there made it as a commercial product rather than a gift.

Through all my research, gifts are not supposed to be charged any duty as long as they are below GBP 135. All my gifts so far received are always below GBP 75.

Whenever my family sent me gifts from other services who never used FedEx, I never ever got charged with any import duty.

I sincerely think that FedEx should make sure that they are shipping goods under the right channel.

I feel naive and at the same time stupid that I paid tax for no reason. Thanks to FedEx polite threatening letters.


4 months ago

I received a parcel from Japan. It was not my choice that the sender used FedEX. I paid their invoice for the VAT and fees by cheque which was duly cleared and the amount debited from my account. I know the payment was to them as I write almost no cheques and certainly no others to that amount.
My problem is that Fedex are sending threatening demands for the same payment (I have sent them some proof it was already paid) and it is absolutely impossible to communicate with anyone there to resolve the issue. Their phone lines are permanently engaged and their email system just sends automatic replies.
It seems to me that an organization which collects tax which you have to pay should come up to Government standards of ease and speed of communication.
I guess Fedex are cost-cutting at the expense of the user/customer. I have had no issues like this with DHL or Parcelforce. Fedex stated that they allow payment by cheque but I will not use this again, nor Fedex itself if I can help it.


5 months ago

Tried to call Fedex to enquire about a package and after 20 minutes on hold, a recorded voice said: "there are no customer service agents available please try again later" and then hung up. AFTER 20 MINUTES ON HOLD!


5 months ago

My Son has purchased a customized XBOX controller back in August costing 拢80. He has had confirmation that it is at FedEx hub on his tracking, that was around 2wks ago. His tracking since has not been updated…. he has called FedEx approximately 10 times and each of these they have told him they don't have his address, even though he's given it every time…. he even spoke to a guy in the Escalation team who assured him he would personally stick with this and make sure it gets to him on the 10th September which didn't arrive. We are now seeking legal advice. Absolute incompetence.


5 months ago

Appalling service offered. I was due to have a purchase delivered. Fedex left one card – claiming it was a final attempt. I tried to use the Chat facility but their answer was to contact Customer Services. I tried to phone but after 20 minutes waiting, and having navigated 4 menu options, I gave up. The website had no facility to name a safe place or arrange a delivery date. Totally un-customer friendly and so boringly time consuming. Will actively avoid them in future and just hope none of my online traders choose this low grade company.


5 months ago

I received a text message last night informing me that delivery of my package would be today, and also an email this morning confirming that delivery would be made by 6pm. It has not turned up so I booked a day off work for nothing. The tracking is still indicating that delivery will be made by 6pm! Would not buy anything again from a company that uses Fedex


5 months ago

Kept my package for themselves.

They sent me an email claiming they tried to deliver but they couldn't "find us or the business is closed".
This is my home and we are here all day. There is no way to directly contact them or get a refund. I payed double just to get this item within 1 day because it is urgent.
They did not leave ANY card and never came to my address. (I am sure they have the correct address and I rechecked that my post code in google maps shows exactly my house).


6 months ago

Thanks to all at Fedex Leicester for swift and excellent service – bunch of clever people here. 😉


6 months ago

Today a parcel was delivered by Fedex and whereas other delivery services keep to sensible precautions due to Covid-19 and are invariably polite and friendly and abide by distancing recommendations, this member of Fedex staff was not and did not. I had just returned to the house and was told the box was for our address so returned to the gate to take it. I acted stupidly by not asking for the box to be just left at the gate and after being offered the box a second time, took it. I was then told to sign and was given a pen, which I did, instead of going indoors for one. I accept the responsibility was mine as much as the delivery man's. He wore no mask or gloves. It is obvious I am in the over 70 age group. We live in a second lockdown area and have been advised to keep a distance of at least one metre. Surely the Fedex delivery people are advised on precautions or are aware of them. No attempt was made to hand over the parcel even at arms length. His attitude was one where I felt I should be apologising for the inconvenience of him having to make a delivery.


6 months ago

I created a personal account on the website and after completely filling out the form, I received a message in the end that I already have an account and I should contact the Customer service to get my account number.

The number for Ireland is 1800 which cannot be contacted using a mobile so I called the UK Customer Service Number.

The first one I spoke to was good enough even though I had to wait exactly 10 minutes before she answered the call. She then said call back again and pick IT from the options as she cannot transfer me to the IT at the moment. I then called IT and had to wait another 10 minutes before getting answered. He confirmed I don鈥檛 have an existing account so there must be a problem with the website so he鈥檒l transfer me to the Billing Team to have my account created. I waited on the line and a lady answered the phone telling me she鈥檒l transfer me to Billing team. At first, the music was on and the phone rang and then total silence, I couldn鈥檛 hear anything. This totalled 23 minutes, what a waste of time. So I called back again and I was waiting on the line for 8 minutes with the music on and then again, phone rang and then complete silence I couldn鈥檛 hear anything so I had to drop. That鈥檚 a total of 40+ minutes on the line to get a very simple issue resolved and you haven鈥檛 even started yet! This is ridiculous! What a waste of time!

So via email, and the link to fedex feedback, I raised this. Minutes later, somebody from Fedex feedback team called my mobile to discuss. After giving him full account of the above, he said wait a moment. Then the line was cut. I鈥檒l give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn鈥檛 deliberately cut the line but he didn鈥檛 call me back. After wasting almost 1 hour with them on the phone, here I am with a very simple issue still not resolved.


6 months ago

If I could give zero I would. Never even attempted to make the delivery, but the blame is put on me in that I was not in – I was in all day awaiting the package, at least have the decency to either say that you were delayed. Was told to pick up tag – there is no tag as driver never came!

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