
6 years ago

My mother bought a product from this site to her granddaughter and everything went smooth until the product arrived. It turned out that the product was shipped from Shanghai, which was nowhere to be found on the website. On the contrary the website was available in Danish and the payment did also not show that this was the shipping address. So this was a big surprise, when it arrived. This is a major issue, at least when living in Denmark, as that added a 50% extra charge due to the product being shipped from outside of EU and US. So the product ended up being very expensive and if this had been clear, my mother would not have purchased the product. When writing to the customer service the response was slow (had to try several e-mail adresses to even get a response) and not helpful at all. So if you consider using this website remeber to check the taxes for your country with regard to products from Shanghai as this may end up being a much more expensive product than you thought.

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